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T1613 Container and Resource Discovery

Adversaries may attempt to discover containers and other resources that are available within a containers environment. Other resources may include images, deployments, pods, nodes, and other information such as the status of a cluster.

These resources can be viewed within web applications such as the Kubernetes dashboard or can be queried via the Docker and Kubernetes APIs.12 In Docker, logs may leak information about the environment, such as the environment’s configuration, which services are available, and what cloud provider the victim may be utilizing. The discovery of these resources may inform an adversary’s next steps in the environment, such as how to perform lateral movement and which methods to utilize for execution.

Item Value
ID T1613
Tactics TA0007
Platforms Containers
Version 1.1
Created 31 March 2021
Last Modified 15 April 2023

Procedure Examples

ID Name Description
S0601 Hildegard Hildegard has used masscan to search for kubelets and the kubelet API for additional running containers.9
S0683 Peirates Peirates can enumerate Kubernetes pods in a given namespace.8
G0139 TeamTNT TeamTNT has checked for running containers with docker ps and for specific container names with docker inspect.11 TeamTNT has also searched for Kubernetes pods running in a local network.10


ID Mitigation Description
M1035 Limit Access to Resource Over Network Limit communications with the container service to managed and secured channels, such as local Unix sockets or remote access via SSH. Require secure port access to communicate with the APIs over TLS by disabling unauthenticated access to the Docker API and Kubernetes API Server.47 In Kubernetes clusters deployed in cloud environments, use native cloud platform features to restrict the IP ranges that are permitted to access to API server.5 Where possible, consider enabling just-in-time (JIT) access to the Kubernetes API to place additional restrictions on access.6
M1030 Network Segmentation Deny direct remote access to internal systems through the use of network proxies, gateways, and firewalls.
M1018 User Account Management Enforce the principle of least privilege by limiting dashboard visibility to only the required users. When using Kubernetes, avoid giving users wildcard permissions or adding users to the system:masters group, and use RoleBindings rather than ClusterRoleBindings to limit user privileges to specific namespaces.3


ID Data Source Data Component
DS0032 Container Container Enumeration
DS0014 Pod Pod Enumeration
