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T1562.007 Disable or Modify Cloud Firewall

Adversaries may disable or modify a firewall within a cloud environment to bypass controls that limit access to cloud resources. Cloud firewalls are separate from system firewalls that are described in Disable or Modify System Firewall.

Cloud environments typically utilize restrictive security groups and firewall rules that only allow network activity from trusted IP addresses via expected ports and protocols. An adversary may introduce new firewall rules or policies to allow access into a victim cloud environment. For example, an adversary may use a script or utility that creates new ingress rules in existing security groups to allow any TCP/IP connectivity, or remove networking limitations to support traffic associated with malicious activity (such as cryptomining).12

Modifying or disabling a cloud firewall may enable adversary C2 communications, lateral movement, and/or data exfiltration that would otherwise not be allowed.

Item Value
ID T1562.007
Sub-techniques T1562.001, T1562.002, T1562.003, T1562.004, T1562.006, T1562.007, T1562.008, T1562.009, T1562.010, T1562.011
Tactics TA0005
Platforms IaaS
Version 1.2
Created 24 June 2020
Last Modified 15 April 2023


ID Mitigation Description
M1047 Audit Routinely check account role permissions to ensure only expected users and roles have permission to modify cloud firewalls.
M1018 User Account Management Ensure least privilege principles are applied to Identity and Access Management (IAM) security policies.1


ID Data Source Data Component
DS0018 Firewall Firewall Disable
