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S0572 Caterpillar WebShell

Caterpillar WebShell is a self-developed Web Shell tool created by the group Volatile Cedar.1

Item Value
ID S0572
Associated Names
Version 1.0
Created 10 February 2021
Last Modified 27 April 2021
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Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
enterprise T1110 Brute Force Caterpillar WebShell has a module to perform brute force attacks on a system.1
enterprise T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter -
enterprise T1059.003 Windows Command Shell Caterpillar WebShell can run commands on the compromised asset with CMD functions.1
enterprise T1005 Data from Local System Caterpillar WebShell has a module to collect information from the local database.1
enterprise T1041 Exfiltration Over C2 Channel Caterpillar WebShell can upload files over the C2 channel.1
enterprise T1083 File and Directory Discovery Caterpillar WebShell can search for files in directories.1
enterprise T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer Caterpillar WebShell has a module to download and upload files to the system.1
enterprise T1112 Modify Registry Caterpillar WebShell has a command to modify a Registry key.1
enterprise T1046 Network Service Discovery Caterpillar WebShell has a module to use a port scanner on a system.1
enterprise T1069 Permission Groups Discovery -
enterprise T1069.001 Local Groups Caterpillar WebShell can obtain a list of local groups of users from a system.1
enterprise T1057 Process Discovery Caterpillar WebShell can gather a list of processes running on the machine.1
enterprise T1014 Rootkit Caterpillar WebShell has a module to use a rootkit on a system.1
enterprise T1082 System Information Discovery Caterpillar WebShell has a module to gather information from the compromrised asset, including the computer version, computer name, IIS version, and more.1
enterprise T1016 System Network Configuration Discovery Caterpillar WebShell can gather the IP address from the victim’s machine using the IP config command.1
enterprise T1033 System Owner/User Discovery Caterpillar WebShell can obtain a list of user accounts from a victim’s machine.1
enterprise T1007 System Service Discovery Caterpillar WebShell can obtain a list of the services from a system.1

Groups That Use This Software

ID Name References
G0123 Volatile Cedar 12
