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S0408 FlexiSpy

FlexiSpy is sophisticated surveillanceware for iOS and Android. Publicly-available, comprehensive analysis has only been found for the Android version.12

FlexiSpy markets itself as a parental control and employee monitoring application.3

Item Value
ID S0408
Associated Names
Version 1.0
Created 04 September 2019
Last Modified 14 October 2019
Navigation Layer View In ATT&CK® Navigator

Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
mobile T1429 Audio Capture FlexiSpy can record both incoming and outgoing phone calls, as well as microphone audio.2
mobile T1533 Data from Local System FlexiSpy can monitor device photos and can also access browser history and bookmarks.4
mobile T1624 Event Triggered Execution -
mobile T1624.001 Broadcast Receivers FlexiSpy uses root access to establish reboot hooks to re-install the application from /data/misc/adn.1 At boot, FlexiSpy spawns daemons for process monitoring, call monitoring, call managing, and system.1
mobile T1628 Hide Artifacts -
mobile T1628.001 Suppress Application Icon FlexiSpy is capable of hiding SuperSU’s icon if it is installed and visible.1 FlexiSpy can also hide its own icon to make detection and the uninstallation process more difficult.4
mobile T1625 Hijack Execution Flow -
mobile T1625.001 System Runtime API Hijacking FlexiSpy installs boot hooks into /system/su.d.1
mobile T1630 Indicator Removal on Host -
mobile T1630.002 File Deletion FlexiSpy can delete data from a compromised device.2
mobile T1417 Input Capture -
mobile T1417.001 Keylogging FlexiSpy can record keystrokes and analyze them for keywords.4
mobile T1430 Location Tracking FlexiSpy can track the device’s location.2
mobile T1509 Non-Standard Port FlexiSpy can communicate with the command and control server over ports 12512 and 12514.1
mobile T1406 Obfuscated Files or Information FlexiSpy encrypts its configuration file using AES.1
mobile T1636 Protected User Data -
mobile T1636.001 Calendar Entries FlexiSpy can collect the device calendars.2
mobile T1636.003 Contact List FlexiSpy can collect device contacts.2
mobile T1636.004 SMS Messages FlexiSpy can intercept SMS and MMS messages as well as monitor messages for keywords.24
mobile T1513 Screen Capture FlexiSpy can take screenshots of other applications.4
mobile T1418 Software Discovery FlexiSpy can retrieve a list of installed applications.4
mobile T1409 Stored Application Data FlexiSpy uses a FileObserver object to monitor the Skype and WeChat database file and shared preferences to retrieve chat messages, account information, and profile pictures of the account owner and chat participants. FlexiSpy can also spy on popular applications, including Facebook, Hangouts, Hike, Instagram, Kik, Line, QQ, Snapchat, Telegram, Tinder, Viber, and WhatsApp.1
mobile T1421 System Network Connections Discovery FlexiSpy can collect a list of known Wi-Fi access points.4
mobile T1512 Video Capture FlexiSpy can record video.2
