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S0402 OSX/Shlayer

OSX/Shlayer is a Trojan designed to install adware on macOS that was first discovered in 2018.12

Item Value
ID S0402
Associated Names Zshlayer, Crossrider
Version 1.3
Created 29 August 2019
Last Modified 19 October 2022
Navigation Layer View In ATT&CK® Navigator

Associated Software Descriptions

Name Description
Zshlayer 3
Crossrider 54

Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
enterprise T1548 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism -
enterprise T1548.004 Elevated Execution with Prompt OSX/Shlayer can escalate privileges to root by asking the user for credentials.1
enterprise T1176 Browser Extensions OSX/Shlayer can install malicious Safari browser extensions to serve ads.54
enterprise T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter -
enterprise T1059.004 Unix Shell OSX/Shlayer can use bash scripts to check the macOS version, download payloads, and extract bytes from files. OSX/Shlayer uses the command sh -c tail -c +1381… to extract bytes at an offset from a specified file. OSX/Shlayer uses the curl -fsL “$url” >$tmp_path command to download malicious payloads into a temporary directory.1369
enterprise T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information OSX/Shlayer can base64-decode and AES-decrypt downloaded payloads.1 Versions of OSX/Shlayer pass encrypted and password-protected code to openssl and then write the payload to the /tmp folder.36
enterprise T1083 File and Directory Discovery OSX/Shlayer has used the command appDir=”$(dirname $(dirname “$currentDir”))” and $(dirname “$(pwd -P)”) to construct installation paths.36
enterprise T1222 File and Directory Permissions Modification -
enterprise T1222.002 Linux and Mac File and Directory Permissions Modification OSX/Shlayer can use the chmod utility to set a file as executable, such as chmod 777 or chmod +x.6110
enterprise T1564 Hide Artifacts OSX/Shlayer has used the mktemp utility to make random and unique filenames for payloads, such as export tmpDir=”$(mktemp -d /tmp/XXXXXXXXXXXX)” or mktemp -t Installer.3610
enterprise T1564.001 Hidden Files and Directories OSX/Shlayer has executed a .command script from a hidden directory in a mounted DMG.1
enterprise T1564.009 Resource Forking OSX/Shlayer has used a resource fork to hide a compressed binary file of itself from the terminal, Finder, and potentially evade traditional scanners.78
enterprise T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer OSX/Shlayer can download payloads, and extract bytes from files. OSX/Shlayer uses the curl -fsL “$url” >$tmp_path command to download malicious payloads into a temporary directory.1369
enterprise T1036 Masquerading -
enterprise T1036.005 Match Legitimate Name or Location OSX/Shlayer can masquerade as a Flash Player update.12
enterprise T1553 Subvert Trust Controls -
enterprise T1553.001 Gatekeeper Bypass If running with elevated privileges, OSX/Shlayer has used the spctl command to disable Gatekeeper protection for a downloaded file. OSX/Shlayer can also leverage system links pointing to bash scripts in the downloaded DMG file to bypass Gatekeeper, a flaw patched in macOS 11.3 and later versions. OSX/Shlayer has been Notarized by Apple, resulting in successful passing of additional Gatekeeper checks.1109
enterprise T1082 System Information Discovery OSX/Shlayer has collected the IOPlatformUUID, session UID, and the OS version using the command sw_vers -productVersion.13
enterprise T1204 User Execution -
enterprise T1204.002 Malicious File OSX/Shlayer has relied on users mounting and executing a malicious DMG file.12
