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T1617 Hooking

Adversaries may utilize hooking to hide the presence of artifacts associated with their behaviors to evade detection. Hooking can be used to modify return values or data structures of system APIs and function calls. This process typically involves using 3rd party root frameworks, such as Xposed or Magisk, with either a system exploit or pre-existing root access. By including custom modules for root frameworks, adversaries can hook system APIs and alter the return value and/or system data structures to alter functionality/visibility of various aspects of the system.

Item Value
ID T1617
Tactics TA0030
Platforms Android
Version 1.0
Created 24 September 2021
Last Modified 24 October 2022

Procedure Examples

ID Name Description
S0407 Monokle Monokle can hook itself to appear invisible to the Process Manager.1


ID Mitigation Description
M1002 Attestation Device attestation can often detect rooted devices.
M1010 Deploy Compromised Device Detection Method Mobile security products can often detect rooted devices.
