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C0006 Operation Honeybee

Operation Honeybee was a campaign that targeted humanitarian aid and inter-Korean affairs organizations from at least late 2017 through early 2018. Operation Honeybee initially targeted South Korea, but expanded to include Vietnam, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, Argentina, and Canada. Security researchers assessed the threat actors were likely Korean speakers based on metadata used in both lure documents and executables, and named the campaign “Honeybee” after the author name discovered in malicious Word documents.1

Item Value
ID C0006
Associated Names
First Seen August 2017
Last Seen February 2018
Version 1.0
Created 16 September 2022
Last Modified 13 October 2022
Navigation Layer View In ATT&CK® Navigator

Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
enterprise T1548 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism -
enterprise T1548.002 Bypass User Account Control During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors used the malicious NTWDBLIB.DLL and cliconfig.exe to bypass UAC protections.1
enterprise T1583 Acquire Infrastructure -
enterprise T1583.001 Domains During Operation Honeybee, threat actors registered domains for C2.1
enterprise T1583.004 Server For Operation Honeybee, at least one identified persona was used to register for a free account for a control server.1
enterprise T1071 Application Layer Protocol -
enterprise T1071.002 File Transfer Protocols During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors had the ability to use FTP for C2.1
enterprise T1560 Archive Collected Data -
enterprise T1560.001 Archive via Utility During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors uses zip to pack collected files before exfiltration.1
enterprise T1547 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution -
enterprise T1547.001 Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors used batch files that allowed them to establish persistence by adding the following Registry key: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SvcHost" /v COMSysApp /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "COMSysApp" /f.1
enterprise T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter -
enterprise T1059.003 Windows Command Shell During Operation Honeybee, various implants used batch scripting and cmd.exe for execution.1
enterprise T1059.005 Visual Basic For Operation Honeybee, the threat actors used a Visual Basic script embedded within a Word document to download an implant.1
enterprise T1543 Create or Modify System Process -
enterprise T1543.003 Windows Service During Operation Honeybee, threat actors installed DLLs and backdoors as Windows services.1
enterprise T1005 Data from Local System During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors collected data from compromised hosts.1
enterprise T1074 Data Staged -
enterprise T1074.001 Local Data Staging During Operation Honeybee, stolen data was copied into a text file using the format From <COMPUTER-NAME> (<Month>-<Day> <Hour>-<Minute>-<Second>).txt prior to compression, encoding, and exfiltration.1
enterprise T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information During Operation Honeybee, malicious files were decoded prior to execution.1
enterprise T1585 Establish Accounts -
enterprise T1585.002 Email Accounts During Operation Honeybee, attackers created email addresses to register for a free account for a control server used for the implants.1
enterprise T1041 Exfiltration Over C2 Channel During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors uploaded stolen files to their C2 servers.1
enterprise T1083 File and Directory Discovery During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors used a malicious DLL to search for files with specific keywords.1
enterprise T1574 Hijack Execution Flow -
enterprise T1574.011 Services Registry Permissions Weakness During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors used a batch file that modified the COMSysApp service to load a malicious ipnet.dll payload and to load a DLL into the svchost.exe process.1
enterprise T1070 Indicator Removal -
enterprise T1070.004 File Deletion During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors used batch files that reduced their fingerprint on a compromised system by deleting malware-related files.1
enterprise T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors downloaded additional malware and malicious scripts onto a compromised host.1
enterprise T1036 Masquerading During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors modified the MaoCheng dropper so its icon appeared as a Word document.1
enterprise T1036.005 Match Legitimate Name or Location During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors used a legitimate Windows executable and secure directory for their payloads to bypass UAC.1
enterprise T1112 Modify Registry During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors used batch files that modified registry keys.1
enterprise T1106 Native API During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors deployed malware that used API calls, including CreateProcessAsUser.1
enterprise T1027 Obfuscated Files or Information During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors used Base64 to encode files with a custom key.1
enterprise T1588 Obtain Capabilities -
enterprise T1588.004 Digital Certificates For Operation Honeybee, the threat actors stole a digital signature from Adobe Systems to use with their MaoCheng dropper.1
enterprise T1057 Process Discovery During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors obtained a list of running processes on a victim machine using cmd /c tasklist > %temp%\temp.ini.1
enterprise T1553 Subvert Trust Controls -
enterprise T1553.002 Code Signing During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors deployed the MaoCheng dropper with a stolen Adobe Systems digital signature.1
enterprise T1082 System Information Discovery During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors collected the computer name, OS, and other system information using cmd /c systeminfo > %temp%\ temp.ini.1
enterprise T1569 System Services -
enterprise T1569.002 Service Execution During Operation Honeybee, threat actors ran sc start to start the COMSysApp as part of the service hijacking and sc stop to stop and reconfigure the COMSysApp.1
enterprise T1204 User Execution -
enterprise T1204.002 Malicious File During Operation Honeybee, threat actors relied on a victim to enable macros within a malicious Word document.1


ID Name Description
S0106 cmd 1
